Home » Galleries » Fauna Gallery » Butterflies of the Northwest Butterflies of the Northwest Mourning Cloak - 2 Oreas Comma Painted Lady - 1 Painted lady - 2 Ringlet - 1 Ringlet - 2 Skipper Skipper, Common Checkered - IMG_8325 Stella Orangetip Sulphur, Pink-edged - 1 Sulphur, Pink-edged - 2 Sulphur, Queen Alexandra Swallowtail, Anise - 1 Swallowtail, Anise - 2 Swallowtail, Indra - 1 Swallowtail, Indra - 2 Swallowtail, Indra - 3 Swallowtail, Indra - 4 Swallowtail, Pale - 1 Swallowtail, Pale - 2 ◄1234►